Words of Reference

Over the years, it has become disconcertingly clear that my spasmodic approach to excerpting exhaustingly-atypical, often-alliterated, and haughtily-hyphened words from the lexicons and employing them into casual oration has become somewhat of a pet peeve amongst my peers. These sesquipedalian sentences, as you might well have discerned, are nothing if not confusing and certainly circumlocutory. But, I can't change; I am who evolution or God or ulterior coincidence has made me. So, let me lend a philanthropic hand by bestowing you this definitional page, a reference point for you if you're ever flummoxed by a word on my blog. If you can't find it here, I'd hope you still remember how to use a dictionary... oh, to hell with it; there's an app for that, and you undoubtedly have it on your magic phone. 

I'll try and update this list as often as possible. If I've missed or misused a word, the latter being far less likely, let me know; leave a comment. I'll amend. Just think of this page as a free dictionary of big words and their meaning. 

Words of Reference:

Abstruse: (adj) Difficult to understand; obscure.
Atypical: (adj) Not representative of a type, group, or class.
Banal: (adj) So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
Circumlocution: (n) The use of many words where fewer would do, esp. in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive.
Compendium: (n) A collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, esp. in a book or other publication.
Diminutive: (adj) Extremely or unusually small.
Discern: (v) To perceive, infer, or recognize something or someone.
Disconcert: (v) Disturb the composure of; unsettle.
Dissent: (adj) Hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.
Distend: (v) To cause something to swell by stretching it from within.
Faction: (n) A small, organised, dissenting group within a larger one, esp. in politics.
Flummox: (v) Perplex (someone) greatly; bewilder.
Harangue: (n) A lengthy and aggressive speech; (v) to lecture (someone) at length in an aggressive and critical manner.
Hebetude: (n) The state of being dull or lethargic.
Inexorable: (adj) Impossible to stop or prevent.
Introspect: (verb) Examine one's own thoughts or feelings.
Lexicon: (n) The covabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge. 2: A set of meaningful units in a language.
Milieu: (n) One's social environment.
Oneiric: (adj) Of or relating to dreams or dreaming.
Oration: (n) A formal speech, esp. one given on a ceremonial occasion; the style or manner in which formal, ceremonial speech is given.
Ostensible: (adj) Apparent, but not necessarily real (but can be real); professed
Philanthropic: (adj) (esp. in regards to a person, group, or organization) Seeking to promote the welfare of others, esp. by donating money to good causes; generous and benevolent. 2: Inclined to give.
Poignant: (adj) Evoking a keen sense of sadness and regret.
Purlieu: (n) The area near or surrounding a place.
Sesquipedalian: (adj) Characterized by unfamiliar, long words; long winded; polysyllabic.

Disclaimer: Many (but not all) definitions are taken directly from Apple's Dictionary app. Steve (and Apple et al.), please don't sue me; I'm but a humble supporter/servant; I swear I'll buy the new iPhone immediately if I can afford it.

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